Thursday, 26 December 2013

Bringing Fashion To Space

Can you imagine one day we could be travelling to space just like the way we travel in an aeroplane?  I had probably watched a bit too many science fiction films lately.  The last one I had just watched was Elysium, then Legal Insanity released this new jacket and then I came across a space elevator on a sim listed in Second Life Destination Guide.  Piece everything together and here I am in my space fashion themed style!

I am wearing ....

Skin:  Swan ~ Lucy - Cream 001 (mole not included)
Hair:  Ink Hair ~ Cuca - Roots
Top:  Legal Insanity ~ Jenna Leather Jacket - Chevron Rose 
Skirt:  Klepsydra ~ Mirona Skirt  - Herringbone1
Gloves:  Kazu Pinklady ~ Leather Gloves Black 
Boots:  Soul ~ Knee Boots Unrigged (part of a bundled outfits)

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